Space + Art
This past week we discussed the relationship between space and art, and how artists and movies have been influenced by space exploration. Space exploration really fascinates me due to the fact that there is so much to be discovered. I truly believe we should invest more money into space exploration, because a lot of it is unknown and that planet earth can only sustain the the human race for so long. Space exploration has influenced a lot of my favorite science fiction movies like Star Wars, as well as one of my favorite street artists Invader. Whats interesting is how the Cold War sparked space exploration between the US and Soviet Union. Once the US put the first people on the moon it was a huge accomplishment for the human race. From then on new technology art and films have evolved, creating new doors to be open for space exploration. Invader is a well know street artist who creates tiles of block space characters and place there all over cities from all around the world. H...